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Short version -
Storm and Spider Man do the heavy lifting, with Blue Marvel and Doom able to provided added power to other lanes. It is not uncommon at all for the opponent to have 0 possible plays on turn6. Daredevil helps provide snap info, because if you play a turn5 Spider Man after your turn3 Storm lane is won, they are not likely to play turn6 at all. Patriot can be played if desired.
Do NOT run Juggernaut (see discord if you want a full explanation), he is bad.
Copy/paste from discord for part of it...
The biggest strengths come from locking opponent out of plays as they move into the late game. We are 100% fine playing 1 and 2 drops for tempo if we have Storm in hand (probably even without, but I'm new to the deck).
Mysterio into Storm is really cool, because the opponent does not know if you are playing her into the real one or not, and thus does not truly know how to properly contest. This actual decision comes to what locations are out and what the rest of the hand looks like.
Jessica Jones is generally the best followup to Storm, but there are times that we just Spider Man a different lane on turn 4 instead (a Vault, for example) if we have good followup such as Dr. Doom.
The deck has to be mindful of lanes, with 3 cards that fill (Mysterio, Debrii, Dr. Doom). There is significant thought that should be made as a result of this, even on early turns (as you may end up denying a Doom slot).
That said, sometimes the rocks from Debrii are better than an extra Doom bot (or even resulting in not playing Doom). This can happen if it turns on Mojo for example, or denies an opponent to play their 6-drop somewhere.