How to use the Cards and when:
Main Cards:
Galactus: Is here to surprise the Opponent on Turn 6, because you play him on a Location where he has no good Cards. When you play him whit, for example wave on 4 your opponent has also the chance to play big states at the Location, but on turn 6 he cant do that, and with Nimrod and Wolverine you have extra Powers at the last Location too.
Nimrod: Works just very well with Galactus, because with him you have 7-Power on one Location and that is mostly enough, but when you play Nimrod on the very left Location (that should you always do) he gets destroyed first (always the left Location gets destroyed first) his copies are by Galactus and on the other Location, which gets destroyed next. So at the end you have two Nimrods on one Location.
Wolverine: Gives also extra +4 Power to the Location where is Galactus. Play him also Left so he gets destroyed twice, except he lands immediately by Galactus.
Supporting Cards:
Shuri: When you play her on 4, Nimrod on turn 5 and Galactus on 6, you have a 10 Power or even two 10-Power Nimrods at one Location.
Nakia: Could give Nimrod +2 Power, and with Shuri you then have a 14-Power Nimrod.
Okoye: Just like Nakia, only that she gives +1 Power.
Cloak: With him you can Move Cards out of a Location, when perhaps a bad Location or your Opponent moves them there and then you cant play Galactus anymore.
Nova: Gets destroyed when you play Galactus and gives him, Nimrod and Wolverine +1 Power, which could be hlepfull to win the Location.
Other Destroy Cards:
Megasonic: When you play her and Nimrod later, is just a good working tactic, if you dont draw Galactus.
Carnage and Venom: Also good Cards to destroy Wolverine, Nimrod or Nova, if you not draw Galactus.
Shang-Shi: Can destroy high Power cards, if yo play Galactus earlier (with maybe Superflow or something like that) or to destroy good cards ath the location where you want play Galactus. You can move Shang-Shi out of the Location with Cloak, so that the Location is empty again.
In-Game Procedure(Perfactly Handed):
Main-Combo(Galactus Turn 6 etc.):
Nova - Turn 1
Wolverine (very left) - Turn 2
Nakia - Turn 3
Shuri - Turn 4
Nimrod (also very Left) - Turn 5
Galactus - Turn 6/Final Round
Result: (with Luck) 36-Power on the Last Location - 2x 14-Power Nimrod; 6-Power Wolverine; 2 Power Galactus)