Sera DH list; Off Tempo list with a straightforward game.
Surface level: Play cards on tempo, throw rocks, Sera T5 (OR Darkhawk T5), Darkhawk -> Mystique T6 (OR Mystique + 3 drop, whatever you can afford, etc. T6)
Mystique is a Swiss Army Knife here and MVP. Iron Lad can land some sweet hits with DH -> Sera -> Cosmo -> ???
+ Arishem (Very favorable; Darkhawk + Mystique, Cassandra, Rocks)
+ Zoo (Favorable; you're generally able to get big bodies they can't deal with and a well placed Shang can end Gilgameal)
+ Wong/On-reveal (Favorable; Cosmo, sometimes even Cosmo + Mystique combo. There are a few different templates, but generally, if you Cosmo the Wong lane, they bail. SNAP accordingly)
+ Bounce (Favorable; you want big bodies for this MU; Rocks, Hawk, and Mystique. Cosmo is useful here but going tall NOT wide is the aim here)
\= Clog (Neutral; Cosmo can be pivotal. You wanna go tall, generally. Playing on Tempo, if you can, helps. Hide cannonball targets like Dark hawk behind Cosmo)
+/- Destroy (Less Favorable; Same as Wong but you have to be more diligent about Cosmo usage and if your other disruption affected them -- Spider-ham their knull/zola/etc., ROCKS, Shangable targets)
+/- Discard (Less Favorable?; depends on how much you can disrupt their gameplan and/or how tall can you get your Darkhawk + Mystique)
- Hela Discard (Not Favored; always feels like a coinflip due to the RNG nature and placing a good Cosmo is generally a crapshoot. If you hit Hela with spidey-ham, Snap -- most of the time they retreat. Sometimes they stick it out and get a Hela back with Ghostrider. Just a pain in the rear list to deal with simply due to the RNGesus it relies on)
- On-going (Not Favored; there isn't any On-going specific countermeasures, so you'll have to rely on Spidey-ham and Rocks. Watch out for Skrull)
-- Tribunal (See above but worse)
Sidenotes: I usually prioritize playing Ham to snipe whatever they might be playing before they know I am rocking a Darkhawk pkg. Sometimes I hold off on throwing ROCKS if I have a good hand/Sera; circumstantial.