Marvel Snap Card Variants

Agent 13
On Reveal: Add a random card to your hand.
When one of your cards is destroyed, this flies out of your hand or deck to replace it.
On Reveal: Return your other cards here to your hand. They cost 1 less next turn.
Captain America
Ongoing: Your other Ongoing cards here have +2 Power.
Captain America
Ongoing: Your other Ongoing cards here have +2 Power.
Doctor Doom
On Reveal: Add a 5-Power DoomBot to each other location.
Doctor Strange
On Reveal: Move your highest-Power card(s) to this location.
Green Goblin
On Reveal: Switch sides.
Invisible Woman
Ongoing: Cards you play here are not revealed until the game ends.
On Reveal: Shuffle Mjolnir into your deck.
On Reveal: Deploy four 2-Power Drones to each other location.