So the point of this patriot deck is to generate easy tokens buffed by patriot with single cards (sinister / brood / wasp is free). This allows us to focus getting our buffing cards out on 4/5/6.
Cosmo allows us to hide an early patriot / marvel / onslaught behind him to avoid being shut down by enchantress. Just remember not to play mystique in that lane! ive made that mistake once or twice lol
you can also use cosmo offensively since we generally have turn advantage going into turn 3 thanks to sinister / misty or a early wasp. Pretty effective if they played bucky on turn 2. Also can be saved for wong / panther lanes to shut the combos down.
i generally save wasp till turn 6 for a unexpected burst unless going against a deck like baero / deathwave that generally uses wave on turn 5. In those matches ill play wasp no later than turn 4/5.
Locations that reduce onslaught (titan) or give us extra energy are usually incredibly easy to win (use mystique to double onslaught on turn 6 then play patriot for stupid amount of stats (double / double and then +2 to everything = 16 to everything)
been climbing with this since lvl 60 to 87