Core Strong Guy, Dracula, Chavez, Infinaut, Angela, Carnage. The other 1 drops are able to be changed out to fit your needs, keep in mind you don't want to draw more cards to your hand with something like Mantis.
Information This deck wants to leverage both Dracula and Strong Guy. It is a swarm deck in that you want to dump your hand as quickly as possible in a few ways.
You want to try and boost Angela up she is typically a 2 mana 7 power and with Nightcrawler she can get up to 9 power
This is less a Nova Carnage deck that on the surface it can absolutely play without it, carnage however is pivotal to the deck because you need to clear your lanes to dump your hands. Raptors and Squirrels come to mind.
By turn 5 you want your hand empty with Infinaut in your hand.. there are some exceptions where you just cant get empty and you might be stuck with 3 cards. Infinaut/Chavez/Random.. try to evaluate your board.. Sometimes its okay to play your random 3rd card out and let Dracula discard the Chavez OR Infinaut.
This deck can consistently drop 30 power on the last turn with 0 cards in hand to trigger the additional 6 on Strong Guy
I am Kraken_Null#2257 on Discord and I also stream on