sorry with my english, me no english speaker
my collection lv was 530 when i made this deck
so i didn't have much cards, so there might be better combo with death
but this version also worked for me
the main goal of this deck is to confuse opponent as much as you can, so they dont even think we gonna use death,
turn 1 : use any cost 1 card
prior should be yondu > squirrel girl or agent13 (depends on the field)
turn 2: i prefer to use cable as prior 1, so i can check what deck opponent is using
but if u have carnage or venom in your hands,using barnes or wolverine would be also option
turn 3 - turn 5,
try to destroy as much as you can
you can use squril girl + killmonger to reduce death cost (with killing few enemy cards)
and if you have death + moon girl in your hand at turn 4-5
use moon girl and copy it so you can put double death in the end of the game as finish shot
mostly when you use moongirl, enemy assume that u gonna use dino so they might try to counter with shang chi
but with this combo you can put extra death in the other place :)
hope you guys enjoy this deck