Trying to theory craft a home for M'Baku. His effect is a tough one to take advantage of since he has to be inside your deck for it to matter. The only way to guarantee this is by playing M'Baku into Lockjaw on 6. In a standard Lockjaw list that just means you get an extra 2 power at the end of the game. It's pretty inconsequential. However in a Lockjaw - Cerebro 2 deck it, M'Bakus power jumps to a minimum of 4 or a maximum of 7. That's much more substantial.
Some of the suggested cards are just ideas on how to get more power or consistency out of the deck. Luke Cage could be good for winning with bad locations like Negative Zone since Cerebro 2 doesn't do well with those. Iron Fist can help send more power to the Flooded lane if needed. Uatu can reveal locations like Monster Island that are an instant retreat. Daredevil is just a fantastic card even without Professor X or a strong turn 5 lane stealing play, just being able to know if you're hosed or not going into turn 6 can help with Cube efficiency during your climb.
This deck will not be meta but could be fun if you're unlucky enough to get M'Baku as your Series 4 card.