Not a whole lot to talk about with this one as a lot of it is pretty straightforward, but I'll write a little something something anyways.
This deck has two paths you can go down for your win condition depending on how you draw: The Storm path or The Thor path.
Ideal Turn order:
Storm Path:
Turn 1: Korg
Turn 2: Star-Lord
Turn 3: Storm
Turn 4: Jessica Jones
Turn 5: Magik
Turn 6: Dr. Doom
Turn 7: Odin + Rocket Raccoon
Thor Path:
Basically the same as the Storm path, but you play Thor on turn 3 instead of Storm. Try and play Thor as early as possible if you're planning on closing out the game with Mjolnir, since this gives you more chances to draw it. It's also important to remember that on the last turn of the game, weather it's on 6 or 7, you'll usually want to do something like Mjolnir + Odin + Rocket Raccoon.
Since Odin immediately reactivates the hammer, Thor can quickly win out an entire lane almost all by himself. You can still lose to Shang-Chi by doing this, but it's somewhat rare for people to read since they don't know if you have the hammer or not sometimes.
Card list:
Korg and Rocket Raccoon are two of the best 1 drops for this kind of deck. Ideally we're taking all of our games to turn 7 with Magik, and that means that your opponent has an even higher chance of drawing a rock from Korg instead of a good card. If played on turn 1, Korg gives the opponent a 55% chance to draw a rock by turn 6, or a 66% chance to draw a rock by turn 7.
Rocket shouldn't be played early, his main purpose is extra burst damage on turn 7, or to balance out a turn where you would otherwise be wasting an energy on nothing. Playing him too early risks you losing him to Elektra or Killmonger.
Storm on turn 3 followed by a Jessica Jones is a classic combo, totalling 10 power. You can also follow up Storm with Thor or Groot sometimes in a pinch, but this is a bit riskier.
Thor can be played turn 3 instead if you don't have Storm or if you don't have any good follow-ups for Storm. Thor is great in this deck for reasons similar to why Korg is great here; because there's going to be an extra turn, the odds of you finding mjolnir go way up. If you play Thor on turn 3 It's a roughly 57% chance to draw mjolnir by turn 7.
Shang-Chi and Enchantress are our very important tech cards. You'll oftentimes find yourself wanting to play them on turn 7, where they can sometimes be combined with a spare 3 drop. Even if you're only spending 4 energy on turn 7, it's still a very common to win games.
Magik is good for location control, and also for dragging out the game a bit longer, which help out both Korg's rock and Thor's Mjolnir. She is what enables us to have a great finishing turn 6 and 7 with Dr. Doom and Odin being played back-to-back for huge board control. Odin also reactivates reveal effects from cards we played earlier, so try and combo him with stuff like Star-Lord, Rocket Raccoon, Groot, and Mjolnir as well.
Other card options:
-1 Rocket Raccoon, +1 Gamora
I might mess around more with this option, since there are times where you feel extremely confident about having the storm lane secured, and you don't really need extra doom bots to take it. In games like these, turn 5 Gamora into turn 6 Odin probably makes more sense, since you can lose your main lane if you aren't careful.