Hey guys its your boy Rocky with one more amazing deck with higher win rate and power on board...
So for bifrost location I was running a standard move deck which we all use ( Key cards:: multiple man , "vulture", cloak , raven, Dr.strange and heimdal etc )
So as we know vulture is kind of broken card which can go upto 18 if u use it properly (min 13 ) So i got an idea what if i protect vulture with armer and use my combination of sera and ironman... After lots of changes in cards.. And figuring out the curve... Its here the most unpredictable move deck
Its impossible to explain how it works but its quite flexible...
U will need some matches with focus to use this one... Tip : Dont use Iron fist early
Also im trying to fit in mystique in this one... Lets see if i can improve this deck further
But try this for some matches and u will see the power this deck can put all over board
Ex: moving 7 power multiple man Moving 8 power vulture to 13 power and then double the power with 4 cost iron man... Etc.. Lots of probabilities..
I recently discovered if u play dr.strange and iron fist.. Iron fist pushes the card which strange pulls
Must try and lets improve this it has potential to be a meta...
Its just theory deck and lots of testing is going on.. I will post the final version with more curve and synergies...