Shuri=>Black Panther=>Arnim Zola as an alternate win-con for games without Mister Negative, but that also synergizes rather well WITH Mister Negative too; great redundancy/synergy/value.
(Similar concept to Spectrum/Destroyer decks with 2 win-cons that can work together.)
- Not sure on Mystique honestly.. Only really copies Blue Marvel and Iron Man, and other than that is a potential 0/3; she's better if using Wong, but Shuri is way better than him already.
- Venom is also a flex slot; a potential 1/3 that can also clear up the board from bad locations or consolidate power for a bigger Zola turn. Could be useful..
- Angela and Bishop are both high value plays, especially when hit by Negative, could be worth consideration.
- Sera and Magick could also be worth considering, though in this list Shuri mostly takes Sera's place as an alternate win-con to the Negative plan and also synergizes with Negative better than Sera; but Magick still gives an extra turn to draw more Negative cards.
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