If you have Dracula and a couple other discard pool 3's, this is a fun deck to play until 60 when you reach the try hards with turn 5 Waves and Wongs and all that fun stuff. The goal is to get Dracula down on turn 4, and have him either discard a big Apocalypse as a surprise finisher, or America Chavez. He is especially strong right now with Throne Room. You can't just face roll it though; follow these tips:
-You should almost never be playing a card on turn 1. Only scenarios are:
- You drew Ice Man (which btw feel free to replace this with any other annoying 1 drop if you prefer, like Korg or Yondu. Ice Man is the best though. Sun Spot might get some value. After turn 1 they become discard fodder anyway
- This means you keep Blade for later if you started with him in hand
-You should almost never be playing a card on turn 2 either, except for these scenarios:
- You drew Morbius
- You have Colleen Wing and Swarm in hand
-Turn 3 is usually
- Lady Sif if Apocalypse is in hand
- Other discards if Dracula is NOT in hand
-Turn 4 is Dracula. If you were unfortunate enough not to draw him, usually it'll be another 3 discard along with Blade. If you don't have Dracula you should have Apocalypse or Swarm by now, and those will be your new game plan
-Turn 5 is the same - build your Apocalypse or Swarm.
-Turn 6 you want to make it so Dracula hits either Chavez or Apocalypse for a big finisher. Play based around the board state - sometimes it's better to play Apocalypse and let him hit Chavez, sometimes it' the other way around. Sometimes you need to empty some 3's and he can hit either one. Just don't make the mistake of not letting him get a discard.
Remember, Dracula takes Apocalypse's power AFTER the discard, so add 2 to your calculations
This isn't Hearthstone - Tempo is irrelevant. You will get a chance to hit your combo later
If you have Dracula in hand resist every urge to play a non targeted discard before you play him. I have taken what I thought were worthy gambles - 1 in 5 or even 1 in 6, and he got discarded literally every time except for one. This is where Lady Sera and Colleen Wing work well, because you know exactly who they will discard.
Colleen Wing is there to guarantee a Swarm discard. Be careful not to have a bunch of Swarms in hand if you plan on playing Dracula though. If you can't get them out of your hand, he WILL hit them instead of Chavez or Apocalypse, I guarantee it.
Card replacements? Up to you... Gambit can be the first to go, but I have gotten some good high rolls with him. If you see a lot of zoo, get rid of him. If you have Hell Cow, stick him in there for Gambit.