Bit of a theory craft that has actually proven to be pretty good. Standard Zero list with the high power downside cards of Ebony Maw, Lizard, Maximus, Typhoid Mary, and Red Skull. I realized that since each of these has an ongoing, and usually use Enchantress as an additional way to turn off the downsides, I decided that adding more ongoing effects like Armor, Colossus, and Cosmo give me a critical amount that Spectrum would be a great last turn buff. Spectrum can negate half of Typhoid Mary and push additional power into an Ebony Maw lane. The final piece is Destroyer. Works well with Zero, Colossus, Armor, and Cosmo.
This deck can push a lot of power onto the board and has good disruptive cards that it uses to great results.
Deck Change:
1) removed Colossus for Luke Cage. Cage removes the downside of Mary and Lizard without the help of Enchantress. Cage has lower initial power than Colossus, and can't go in Death's Domain, but has a higher upside.