Mix of ways you can play it, the goal is to focus on a single location and then dominate your opponent's worst/ second worst location with nfinaut. You are almost never aiming for all 3 locations with this deck.
- Psylocke is almost always T3 play. She is there to increase the consistency of 5 drop swings
- America can be swapped with Leader, but the ability to never see a 6 drop unless it is Infinaut is great. Seeing Infinaut tells you how you'll be able to play out T5/T6, it also increases the chances you will draw Infinaut. She also makes your odds of drawing Psy/Wave higher which is good cause we often want the T4 5-Drop.
- Crossbones is your T4 Play when you don't have the Psy/Wave on T3 or if you get good locations can easily be your T3 to help easily win a location with Psy.