Big brain plays lead to victory with this accessible, yet competitive, early game deck.
Cosmo - One of the best cards in the game in my opinion. Great for protecting your Dino or shutting down your opponent's On Reveal shenanigans.
White Queen - A large body that gives you intel, enabling you to Leader with confidence, and keeps your hand stocked for Dino. Helpful to push power at a location and "draw" a bomb for those games when you don't draw Dino and/or Leader.
Devil Dinosaur - The powerhouse of the deck. It is still possible to win games without it but can be crushing to not draw it or have it Shang Chi'ed or Enchantress'ed.
Leader - Whatever your opponent plays but +4 power. Leader is a great way to maintain your lead at locations, but it's not a guaranteed win. Smart opponents can play around it or simply retreat. Player card reveal order can be important depending on the board state and opponent's plays.
Cable - Description here
Armor - Description here
Sentinel - Description here
Storm - Description here
Jessica Jones - Description here
Moon Girl - Description here
Iceman - Description here
Scarlet Witch - Description here