**Edit - Post-mortem (27th Feb 2023)**
Well M.O.D.O.K arrived and I and many others have played with this or other versions of the deck and I think I can speak for everyone when I say It's no good. While that's not much of a surprise what was at least to me is just how hard it is to draw a 3 card combo in Marvel Snap. The math says it happens 26% of the time but what it didn't say was that 99% of those times your opponent plays Cosmo or Aero and you cry. Regardless M.O.D.O.K released into a pretty rough meta with Galactus followed by Leach, Aero & Shuri just being pretty bad for him and catastrophic for this deck in particular. I'm still a M.O.D.O.K believer but even in a different meta I think this will remain firmly a for fun deck. In the end I had two main takeaways from this deck. First in my deck building moving forward I'll be even more wary of 3 card combos than I already was. Secondly sometimes just for fun is enough because even with all that said I would still recommend this deck. The few times I did line up the combo put a giant smile on my face and there where a number of games where I barely squeaked it out which were almost as good. So if you have the cards already and your ready to spew some cubes in the name of a good time I say go for it, just maybe wait for a slightly different meta because this one is pretty rough.
**edit over**
This is my theory craft for my dream Hela deck.
The plan is we play Sue on 2, M.O.D.O.K on 5 and Hela on 6 all at the same location for 16 power then discard our hand and immediately play it it out for free randomly hopefully winning us another location. (If you close your eyes and believe with all your heart that Cosmo isn't a real card that your opponent can play it'll work every time).
Next I'll go over my thought process behind the rest of the cards and how they should be played. Our ideal game sees us playing no addition cards outside of our combo to allow for a 6 Card discard from M.O.D.O.K, assuming no addition cards are drawn or created due to random locations. Given that, I've separated the remaining cards into strictly Hela payoff cards that you will almost never play-out and cards that will be sometimes played depending on your draws or game-state.
First the payoffs. All 4 of these cards (except probably Infinaut) are free slots for whatever expensive card you think is best. After looking through the options I guessed that these 4 were the best choices but I had 3 other considerations. Hulk aka the 3rd best large lad felt unneeded with the Gold and Silver already in the deck. Ronin potentially larger than Giganto if your running into a fair number of Dino decks but ultimately less consistent for little extra payoff. Finally Helicarrier, now my assumption is that M.O.D.O.K will discard all cards in your hand at the time of his reveal since if it kept checking the hand for new cards Swarm would lead to an infinite loop however if he also discards the random cards created by Helicarrier that's hilarious and it goes straight into the deck but I doubt that's the case. So the choices were.
The Infinaut - 20 power is just so much
Giganto - 14 power is not as much but it's the second best option when you still want more stats
Captain Marvel - She does a lot to help out Hela's random nature and helps justify the next card as well
Iron Man - Is IMO the weakest card in the list and the first thing I would cut. He may often steal a location for you if he lands next to some stats but without playing the deck its hard to know how often he'll land in an empty lane.
Finally the cards you may play depending on the situation
Apocalypse - If Sif and M.O.D.O.K hit Apoc and you don't draw Hela, then you can play him otherwise he's just here for...
Dracula - His inclusion alongside Apoc is a bit of a to taste inclusion since replacing the pair with Strongman and another card may be more consistent albeit less powerful. But given the addition synergy with Morbius and the All-In nature of the deck, I think they are the better choice. Dracula also has the notable distinction of being the first card outside of our combo we're happy to play. Well as long as you draw Apoc that is. Dracula is a great way to threaten a second location all by himself as well as adding another discard at the end of the game for...
Morbius - A staple of any discard deck and since we're aiming for M.O.D.O.K to discard 4-6 cards with Dracula and Sif another each Morbius should often be 12+ power easily justifying his place in the deck. Amusingly although it's one of only 3 cards we play that are under 4 cost our dream runout doesn't actually see us playing it. Since discarding Morbius to play latter with Hela will make it bigger it should ideally only be played if hand size is an issue or you want to guarantee power at a particular location.
Jubilee - Ideally we would also prefer Hela to play Jubilee since after the final turn Dracula with no Apoc in hand is the only bad hit while Sif is a lackluster one. However playing Jubilee on 4 is our last hail mary on a game that hasn't gone our way. Invisible Woman and Infinaut being the big hits since Sue is just in time for combo and it's possible to win any game where you Infinaut on 4.
Lady Sif - Sif is here to add some small amount of backup so we don't auto loss every game without M.O.D.O.K while still aiding enough in the high roll that I can justify her inclusion in a deck I named All-In. If you can guarantee a discard of Infinaut or Giganto and your missing Hela and M.O.D.O.K she is worth playing on 3. By doing this your hoping for a late Hela and that 20/26 power will be enough. In the high roll she ads 2 power to Morbius and 4 to Dracula by discarding Apoc again.
So what do you think? Any feedback that doesn't include Cosmo would be greatly appreciated. Since M.O.D.O.K is already in the game hopefully this deck will become a reality sometime in January and then maybe I'll pull the card sometime before 2024.