This is a deck I've been playing for a while, with the added benefit of Shuri and Absorbing Man I've gotten since released.
As you probably assume since this is a "Casino" deck, its high risk high reward potential. The deck is full of combos, and potential retreats if you don't pull Wave or Electro by T3. Even if that's the case, if you have Shuri and Zola in hand, all is not lost depending on locations and what your opponent is playing.
The most important, and sometimes difficult, thing about this deck is ensuring you have a completely free lane that also doesn't have any negative effects when you play a card there. This lane will more than likely be one of your 5 costs, ie Black Panther, Spider-Woman, and Doc Oc.
Instead of a description for each card, I thought I'd list a few combos I use regularly.
Assuming Electro was played T3:
- I almost always play Shuri T4 if in hand, and whatever big power 5 cost you double you can either Zola or Taskmaster T6.
- If I have Absorbing Man and Zola in hand, T4 I will play a high power 5 cost, T5 I will Zola it, and T6 I will put Absorbing Man on Zola to spread the power out even more.. works best with Black Panther.
- T4 Spider-Woman/Black Panther, T5 Zola, T6 Odin on Zola