The idea behind this deck is to kinda "steal" your opponent's cards (in some case you actually steal their cards... ^^ ) and play those stolen cards against them ...
Quinjet is obviously here to lower the cost of these cards , that said , concerning your "robbers" here they are : Mantis and Cable ! they really take cards of your opponent and give them to you , so you can have an idea of what archetype of deck you play against and more than that maybe disrupt your opponent's game plan.
Added to those you got Angela, Bishop and The Collector that are cards you can easily power up if you play them within the curve or using your "card stealing " mechanics
then you finally got your finishers,that are Devil Dino and Mystic who,with the help of an eventual Moon girl can really power you up !
Imagine turn 4 you got them all in hand, play Moon girl to duplicate Dino or even just Mystic , on turn 5 you play Dino , turn 6 you can double Mystic and basically have like 3 dino on the board !
If you are behind on the board you always can Leader instead to play the same finishers as your opponent and beat him with his own cards ^^
this deck is fun , and may take some games to master , cause you gotta always have in mind an eventual Shang-chi or Enchantress and so play around them ,but among my many different decks this is the one i always go to these days when i feel bored ^^ give it and try and don't hesitate to comment !