Surprisingly enough...this deck looks pretty solid! Under the protection of Armor to keep Shang-Chi at bay for 1 location, this location is pretty consistent and produces HUGE power across the board...
Didn't think I'd play Wave in Cerebro back when I was making Cerebro 0-8, but when we get up to these bigger sized cards, cheating them in early with Wave is too good to not include
With Zero and Luke Cage your 4s in Attuma and Typhoid Mary are crazy good in this build, you can use either of them (Zero or Luke Cage) to keep Typhoid Mary's negative effect under control, but also you can utilize Zero or Armor to keep Attuma's negative effect in check as well, so these two cards (Attuma and Typhoid Mary) are obviously the only two 10-powered 4-costs (outside of Strong-Guy) but even if they weren't they'd probably be the best for the job of that this deck sets out for...
Doctor Octopus is a strong card by a lot of decks, this is a strong tech well with so many cards, powerful cards, like Punisher, Mojo, Leader and also a great counter to Galactus, if its in your opponent's hand on turn 5. And these points all work for this deck too! While being pumped by Cerebro...this deck is crazy...
Dracula is here, cause consistently you'll have a 10-powered card in hand, cause you aren't playing all of them, you're pretty much dropping one every turn from turn 4 and on, but in case you don't have a 4-cost by turn 4, Dracula is a solid off-drop that at the game's end, could be a 10-power so Drac isn't so bad...
The 6s are just the only other 10-powered cards, but honestly they are two great 10-powered cards...She-Hulk is She-Hulk, one of the best cards, top can easily Wave She-Hulk out which is dope...and Helicarrier is just another 10-powered card're never really playing it, cause on 6, I think Attuma & Armor is a stronger play if lets say you played Dracula on 4, but I find it funny that if Sokovia or Moon Knight discards Helicarrier and you gain another 10-powered card like Attuma, that'd be crazy...