Goal of this deck is to retreat at start of turn 4 while winning all 3 locations.
I believe this strategy gains you the most battlepass xp per hour right now (+34 xp per good retreat - Game gives you 1 xp per turn and 10 xp per location you are ahead on, but only after game ends after turn 3).
This is the optimal min-max-ing thing you can do after hitting infinite, because there is no incentive to climb beyond rank 100, right now.
It is optimal to run only high power 1 drops because in turns 1, 2, 3, you'll have access to 6 cards and 6 mana.
- This is not necessary if you care only about the first 50 levels of the pass, you get them naturally eventually.
- This tanks your win%, is boring as hell, and one season cache beyond lvl.50 is only worth 1 CL on average.
- Leaving an Agatha deck with an auto clicker script overnight does a similar thing
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