Been working with this Zabu list trying to see what works and what doesn't stick with the resources I've got. This deck kinda tries to win with whatever it can make work- we've got Leader in as kind of an insurance policy and we've got Quicksilver to help reduce variance.
I tried Domino as another way of reducing variance, but including her really locks things to the opening, turn 1, and turn 3 draws to try to get Zabu out. I think this impacted what can be done after Zabu is played too much and negatively.
Ideally the deck wants to be played as kind of a control deck starting turn 4. If you have Spider-Man and Moon Girl in hand you can lock down two lanes for turn 6, which lets your turn 6 plays be planned with a lot less interaction from your opponent. If you don't get Spider-Man you can still make splashy plays with Jessica Jones or Typhoid Mary, and Enchantress lets you remove your own -1 effect or target opponents- same for Shang Chi.
If you don't draw into Zabu for turn 3 or 4 the deck really relies on trying to lock down opponents' lanes and play key splashy cards on turns 4, 5, and 6, but realistically more often than not I end up retreating turn 5 if Zabu doesn't show up.