Ugh, why am I still going?!?!
This is Cerebro 14, the highest based powered card power that has multiple in its value...There are 3 cards with 14-power and honestly they come with some hefty downsides, Agatha starts in your opening hand, but she plays your cards for you, so we are playing the Agatha/Wave combo in hopes to cheat Agatha on 4, since she always prioritizes herself
Turn 5 ideally would be to play Jubilee to cheat out specifically Giganto to the one of the other two locations, so on turn 6 you can play Orka by himself, or you could just play Cerebro/Mystique to buff what 14-powered cards you currently have on board.
Cloak is there as an off 2-drop, just in case if late game you have Orka in hand but need to clear out 1 location, you could Cloak/Cerebro on 5 so on 6 you can clear out a location to place Orka in a nice open location...
Honestly I don't know why Adam Warlock is in this deck...I guess, if I don't get wave, I can make my opponent think I'm playing Cerebro 0 if Agatha plays Warlock/Cerebro to the same location, but honestly, I had an open spot, could think of what to do, so I just threw Adam in
The side-board is an interesting idea, in, utilizing Lockjaw to fetch 14-powered cards (hopefully) but using Moon Girl to duplicate them in you hand and Crystal to shuffle your 14-powered cards back into your deck, so the 0-cost cards could fetch them all into play, and using Cloak, move them around to get a spread...its a wacky idea, but an interesting one