If you don't get Negative by turn 4...retreat! But if you get Negative by 4 or even by 3 with Psylocke...always snap!
This deck idea is nasty, like other Negative boards but utilizing the effect of The Living Tribunal to create boards that are absolutely scary...with huge 0-powered cards like Iron Man, Arnim and the datamined Mephisto, this deck looks to build massive board states with free cards (including Adam Warlock and Ironheart) and at game's end, you should have a board board state with a lot of power that gets divided evenly across all locations...
Now I don't know how this works in the end with Iron Man's ability, does Tribunal take the total power of cards minus effects and spread that evenly, then locations with one or more Iron Man or even at The Nexus location, add in the effects? Or does Tribunal take the total post-effect power and spread that without any additional influence of power post-spread? I guess we can only find out...
This for the most part is a standard Mr. Negative deck, Bast-ing your turn 1 hand and Psylocke-ing to cheat Negative early
Fun plays include (after Negative's effect) Mephisto into Zola...making two 6-powered Mephistos that will grant you 8 cubes in a normal game, 16 cubes if 1 person snaps, or 32 cubes if both snap!!! Absolutely insane! And should be the main reason to almost always snap with this deck!
Super Skrull is mostly there to take the benefits of other ongoing cards your opponent has, cause why not add more to the Chaos?! what if your opponent has an Iron Man, an Onslaught...adding more effects could really make you have an advantage....and at a 2 power after Negative, it fits fine, and so I figured it could work.
Removed Leader after his statline and ability has changed...