EDIT: Guide left the same, but 2 card swaps made: Hulkbuster swapped for Forge, because he's better for our curve. Playing Hulkbuster on turn 3 just felt wrong or inconsistent without Wolverine, even though I wanted to try and make Hulkbuster useful outside of Multiple Man + move decks. Taskmaster swapped out for Lizard--90% of games Taskmaster wasn't useful, and every card in our deck needs to be playable for this to work. Still a meme deck, but it's a breath of fresh air and a fun way to use Knull outside of Galactus decks!
The idea behind this (meme) deck is to destroy Deadpool, Wolverine, and Sabretooth multiple times in order to make our Knull into around a 20 to 30 point play on 6. Killmonger and Yondu can also add some good power to Knull, depending on our opponents deck. Compared to playing Death, it doesn't feel as bad when Yondu hits America Chavez since that's 9 power on our Knull. =)
As a back up plan to Knull (this is best when we don't draw Wolverine or Sabretooth) if we get Hulk Buster on Deadpool by Turn 3 (hopefully we played Nova on turns 1 or 2, so he buffs Deadpool) then on turns 4 and 5 we can make Deadpool huge (20 with only Hulkbuster, 24 if you had Nova) and then drop him on turn 6 alongside Taskmaster.
Hulkbuster + Wolverine on turn 3 is our Knull play line, if we land that then our Knull is guaranteed to be HUGE. Deadpool is a there as a backup option, because sadly we can't play him on turn 6 alongside Knull. Sabretooth would be even better (Compared to Wolverine, because we control where he ends up) but sadly he costs 3 energy and we need to get Hulkbuster out ASAP.
If you're going for the Wolverine/Sabretooth/Knull route instead of Deadpool/Taskmaster, playing Knull will be the only power we add on turn 6 (well, that's not entirely true, most of the time we have Sabretooth as well) so you'll want to focus on a single lane, usually wherever Wolverine decides to go, for turns 1-5. It will feel weird at first, compared to spreading your power out, but you'll get used to it. =)
We do this because If our opponent is unable to take back the location that we've committed too, then that gives us the best chance of winning when we play our 25-point Knull on 6. It also gives them priority, assuming they have more power in the other 2 lanes that we ignored, to stop things like a Shang-Chi prediction.
The counterargument to stacking 1 lane (and losing priority) is that it allows the opponent to reveal their Cosmo or Armor before our destroy effects go off. So ideally we will maintain priority until turn 5, and lose it going in to turn 6.
Here are the cards listed in order of importance (so you know when to retreat after the opponent snaps)
1. Knull or Deadpool - They are our win conditions. Deadpool we want to draw on turn 1, and Knull we'd like to draw on Turn 6 because of things like White Queen (so annoying when they get a copy of our Knull,) Leech, and Doctor Octopus.
2. Wolverine - Hopefully by turn 2, so we can play Hulkbuster or Sabretooth on 3 before we start destroying stuff for Knull.
3. Hulkbuster - When played on Wolverine, this is somewhat comparable to drawing Sabretooth when you're going for a big Knull. However Hulkbuster is a more flexible draw, because but allows Deadpool to do crazy things)
4. Sabretooth - Better for our Knull game plan since you get to decide where his power goes on turn 6 (compared to putting Hulkbuster on Wolverine) but he gets countered by Turn 5 Wave.
5. Venom and Carnage - Honestly, these two are just as important to draw as everything above this.
6. Nova - Best when played before Deadpool and Sabretooth are played on the location. Wolverine doesn't give a **** since he comes right back.
7. Killmonger and Deathlok (Situational as to which is better)
8. Yondu (He's just here to add some extra power to Knull, and could be swapped out to add something else to the deck)
9. Taskmaster (Dead draw if you're going for Knull, only useful if you have a huge Deadpool or Venom, although a lot of locations in the game will make our Venom HUMONGOUS)
Card suggestions/possible improvements to replace Yondu:
1. Forge: Normally not the greatest if your deck is only focused on Deadpool, but with Knull in the mix this deck has a lot more options to use him on (Wolverine, Sabretooth, or Hulkbuster onto Deadpool for +6)
2. Lizard: Big stats to add to Knull a good play on 2 so we can to maintain turn priority, preventing them from flipping up an Armor or Cosmo before our destroy effect goes off. Just a solid card, especially in decks with Killmonger (the opponent might struggle to fill a lane)
3. Bucky Barnes: I couldn't find room for him in this list, but maybe you can? (he only adds 1-power to Knull and 2 energy doesn't fit with our Deadpool + Venom/Deathlok/Killmonger on turns on 4 and 5, only works if we have Carnage)