This deck was inspired by Dekkster's "Ghost Carrier" deck, but with the cards that I have unlocked. I'd recommend checking out his video on the deck because he explains it really well. :)
The Game Plan
Despite having clear inspiration from Dekkster's list, this does play a bit different in that we're relying on good curve options rather than the insane last turn plays that come from Dekkster's deck. The standouts here are Devil Dinosaur and The Collector, both of which synergize with the rest of our deck that add cards to our hand. Meanwhile Nick Fury, White Queen, and Giganto can provide those big turn 6 plays.
We have Lady Sif and Ghost Rider helping out to control the clutter in our hand and capitalize on some of our bigger cards, and the rest of the list here is nothing new but consistently adds fuel for Devil Dinosaur and The Collector while keeping your opponent guessing.
The Decklist
- Agent 13 is a low-cost option that gives great play options and feeds into Devil Dinosaur and The Collector.
- The Collector isn't going to win you games on its own but builds value in a lane so that your Devil Dinosaur can be played elsewhere.
- Cable provides disruption for your opponent and feeds into Devil Dinosaur and The Collector.
- Armor is a great tech-option for tricky locations, counters a lane for Destroy decks, and protects your big cards like Devil Dinosaur and Giganto.
- Sentinel is a consistent way to put power on the board and feeds into Devil Dinosaur and The Collector.
- Agent Coulson is a good addition in this deck because he nearly guarantees that you have a play on 4 and 5 while feeding into Devil Dinosaur and The Collector.
- Lady Sif is a great option to both thin your hand and provide a target for Ghost Rider to bring back later. Giganto is the obvious target, but she can also really benefit from Nick Fury and whatever other cards you get from White Queen and etc.
- Ghost Rider is the second combo piece and I always like to say that he can be a GREAT turn 6 play to counter Leader and give a surprise swing of power.
- White Queen works as a way to get information about your opponent's plays, provide a target for Lady Sif, AND feeds into Devil Dinosaur and The Collector. She's an amazing card in this list and on top of everything else has fairly decent power for the cost.
- Devil Dinosaur is nothing new but is great value for the cost. There are few situations where it won't be 13+ power and can nearly contest a location on its own.
- Nick Fury works as a replacement here for Helicarrier, although isn't quite as good in that niche. Still, he feeds into Devil Dinosaur and The Collector and at the very least creates great options for the Lady Sif combo or cheeky turn 6 plays.
- Giganto is a card I find works fine enough on its own to win the left location, but obviously also feeds into the Lady Sif combo extremely well.
Deck Replacements and Improvements
I could go all day giving suggestions, and obviously Dekkster's version has options too, but Helicarrier, Mystique, Quinjet, Sera, and Maria Hill all work extremely well.
If you're still working your way into Pool 3+, there are plenty of other cards that work well in this list like Mantis, Moon Girl, Onslaught, and more. The sky is the limit, really, since Devil Dinosaur is a versatile card that can benefit in a lot of decks.
The Wrap-Up
I find that this deck is just really solid and doesn't have a ton of weaknesses, with its only minor downside being the random cards you get in hand. Even then, they still provide value, which is crazy.
I like playing this deck when some of my crazier ideas are losing me cubes, since the play options are immense, and the power is so consistent. I hope this list can benefit you, and once again thanks to Dekkster for inspiring this list!