How to use the Cards and when:
Main Cards:
Falcon: Is here to return your 1 cost Cards, so he gives Collector a lot of Power. You can play your 1 Cost Cards again so they perfrom their ability again.
Beast: When you play him you can return your other good Cards again, like Rock Slide to give Darkhawk even more power or falcon, so he can return your 1 Costs again and make Collecter also again bigger.
Collector: Gets bigger and bigger with Beast and Falcon, so he turns in one of your highest Power Cards. When you play him on 2,a 1 cost before on turn 1, 3 1-Costs on turn 3 and than Falcon with Beast on 4 he gets +5 Power and you can play all of them agian (except of Beast) so at the end of turn 5 he could have 10 Power or even more if your played 1 costs were Agent 13 or The Hood.
Darkhawk: Gets also bigger and bigger, if you play Korg 3 Times and on Round 6 you can play Rock Slide too! So Zabu maybe with the other Cards on 5 and then you can play Darkhawk and Rockslide on turn 6.
Supporting Cards:
Rock Slide: Is always played with Darkhawk, just because he makes him bigger. And he is also a 6 Power Card for 4 Cost or 3, because of Zabu.
Zabu: Is here that you can play both Darkhawk and Rockslide on Turn 6.
Bishop: Turns also in a high Power Cards, because you play so many Cards over and over again.
The Hood: Gives you the high Power Card Demon, which also cost 1. The -2 Power from him doesnt even matter, because you return him to your hand back anyways.
Agent 13: When you play her again and agian, she gives you always random Cards, which makes all Collector bigger.
Korg: When you play him again and again, he gives your Opponent always a Rock, which makes your Darkhawk bigger.
Iceman: Will be really anoying for your Opponent, if you play him again and again.
Rocket Raccon: When you play him 3 times he could get always his ability activated, which makes him to a 8-Power Card!
In-Game Procedure: (Perfactly Handed)
Big Collector-Darkhawk-Tactic:
Rocket - Turn 1
Collector - Turn 2
The Hood, Korg and Agent 13 - Turn 3
Falcon and Beast - Turn 4
Zabu, Korg, Agent 13 and Demon - Turn 5
Darkhawk and Rockslide - Final Round/Turn 6
Result: A 8 Power Collecter and a 18-Power Darkhawk!
Big Collector-Bishop-Tactic:
Rocket - Turn 1
Collector - Turn 2
Bishop - Turn 3
The Hood, Agent 13 and Falcon - Turn 4
The Hood, Agent 13, Rocket and Beast (Beast at Falcon, The Hood and Rocket) - Turn 5
Falcon, The 2 Demons, Rocket and Korg or Iceman - Final Round/Turn 6
Result: A 10-Power Collector and a 13 Power Bishop!