Listen closely cause this deck is gonna get taken down soon. Ben Brode doesn't want anyone to know the REAL power of Sauron. I've included some of the standard cards for sauron to keep him off the scent but what you NEED to run with Sauron is Patriot. Drop him turn 3 so Sauron doesn't eat his ongoing effect (very important) and then either Mystique -> Sauron or just drop Sauron if you don't have Mystique in hand. On turns 5 and 6 you flood the board with you're newly perfected no abilities ongoing cards and win the game.
Enchantress was included because I know there are plenty who can't resist the siren call of using energy on curve. To those people you are weak and I'm disgusted I have to build around your sickening habits. Just run a Sunspot in every deck like the COWARD you are.