Quake is a pretty fun and good tech card into Quantum Tunnel for 2 reasons:
- If you manage to fill up Quantum tunnel early Quake allows you to reset your Quantum Tunnel location by moving it. Furthermore, if Quake then moves the Quantum Tunnel location onto herself (mid) she procs Quantum Tunnel and swaps out with another card in your deck.
- In moving Quantum Tunnel you can mess with your opponents turn (if you have priority) by either moving it away or even into their card plays. This also works with locations that have positive/negative effects that you want to move your opponent in or out of.
The rest of the deck is a generic Janejaw shell. Playing Korg here to mess with opponent‘s Quantum Tunnel draws. The suggestions are other cards that slot-in well into Janejaw if there are cards you are missing.
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