Turn 1: Sunspot or Skip
Turn 2: Skip
Turn 3: Lockjaw or Skip
Turn 4: Jubilee or Quicksilver & Domino on Lockjaw to get 6 costs out of your deck (Jubilee gets the same return as Quick & Dom with less chance of bad pulls)
If you don't have Lockjaw by Turn 4, you can play Jubilee to potentially pull LockJaw and improvise from there.
Turn 5: If you have She-Hulk/Infinaut, play Magik (not on LockJaw)
Turn 6: Play a 6 cost to secure a 2nd lane (or skip if you played Magik)
Turn 7: Play She-Hulk for 0 cost (and Infinaut if you have it)
Notes: Try to keep the left lane open in case you need to play Giganto later.
Dracula: I don't have this card, but I imagine Drac would be pretty clutch if your hand fills with 6 costs.
Iron Man: Before I had Magik, I used Iron Man to help secure that second lane.
Moon Girl: If you want to lean harder into the She-Hulk Infinaut Snowball strat, you can use Moon Girl to get 2 She-Hulks for a whopping 40 power at the end of the game.
Abomination: When I first got this deck from (Originally called Perfect Lockjaw), it used Abomination and went all in on the Lockjaw gacha. I replaced Abomination with Iron Man to help secure a second lane.