The main strategy with the Mister Negative deck with Sera is to enable Mister Negative in the same way using Psylocke when possible and Magik to prolong the match, but with the inclusion of Sera on turn six after Magik, or on turn five when no Magik is available. This combo will further reduce the costs of cards in hand to create combos in the final rounds and surprise your opponent.
When it is not possible to play Mister Negative, other cards from the deck can be used to win the game. Some notable combos are throwing Wong to duplicate effects such as White Tiger and Ironheart. Mystique can be used with both Iron Man and Wong in the same location to cause On Reveal effects to trigger multiple times. Even Jubilee can bring two cards from the deck if used with Wong, but this will fill all slots in the location. All these effects are even better after the presence of Mister Negative.
Bishop is a card that can grow a lot in power due to the nature of playing multiple low-cost cards from the deck after Mister Negative’s effect. Similarly, Angela can grow relatively well both before and after Mister Negative’s effect.
Games should be resolved depending more on the placement of the most impactful effects, so it’s important to read the opponent’s moves and be careful with cards like Cosmo being played in the same location as Wong.