Random idea I had to use Crystal as a refill tool after puking out 1 drops. Not sure this would be great since crystal is a notoriously bad card and there is some anti synergy in the form of drawing aero prior to turn 5 but I figured aero was just good enough that even if that happened it wouldn't be the end of the world. Novel idea and I haven't had a chance to test the brew out yet but here it is.
Also lizard for ebony maw might be a good swap because ebony maw is dead after you refill with crystal but zero + ebony maw is a lot of power. I'll have to test it out
Edit: I decided to swap nightcrawler in for ebony maw. The anti synergy with crystal was just too apparent and I already have 2 other good zero targets. The big problem with the deck is that you don't actually get the crystal dream super often, where you either have her as your last card in hand going into turn 4 and shuffle back 1 draw 3 or you simply draw her on 4. More often than not I'd spit out my hand and then just have to play whatever I topdecked on 5 or 4 and chavez on 6. And of course Crystal is still a bad card. I don't think she'd be so unfair as a 3/3 but maybe I'm wrong
Edit2: I'm trying the deck without aero now. I've swapped lizard in instead. The anti synergy was undesirable and lizard is an extra zero target.
Edit3: After testing the deck performs much better without Aero. Even if it's not a great thing, the deck very often actually gets to do what it wants to do by curving out early and dropping crystal to go up in card advantage on 4. It's really hard to fit interaction in so the deck just has to lose against a lot of decks that "do the thing", but the specific play pattern we employ actually benefits us vs. a couple different cards. Chiefly: Scorpion, Darkhawk, and Ronan. Scorpion is always a house despite being so unassuming and dumping your hand early and then maybe shuffling back a debuffed card for something else plays around it's otherwise strong effect. Darkhawk is obvious; this deck draws more cards than your average deck so darkhawk will often not be very big. Ronan isn't very popular yet but if people start picking up master mold and/or some of the cards in the archetypes receive buffs it may actually see play and we empty hand super easy so it's very easy to neuter the ronan. Like I said, the deck still didn't perform great but it's at least functional now and may be good after we see some nerfs and then get a crystal buff at some point.
Edit4: Whelp I had a cool idea and they just entirely fucking deleted my deck from the game. Cool. Great. I'll leave the list up in memorandum but this deck is entirely non existent with the way crystal works now I feel like my buff suggestion would have been way more reasonable.