This is an attempt to try to find a deck where Kang provides utility beyond just being information/cube management.
Inspired by Dekkster showcasing Kang in zero zoo (and some comments in his channel), but I think that Kang's ability to leave your hand can empower dracula dump beyond just the zoo archetype.
Colleen, Dracula, Kang, and some big cards feels like a package that could be splashed into several deck archetypes. I chose this lockdown style, because best case locking down a lane early could be followed up by a strong dracula play to win another lane, and worst case locking down a single lane could enable some kang snap bluff retreat wins.
As far as substitutions go, I definitely think Thor would go really well with the Kang/Dracula package, but I haven't unlocked him. In this deck in particular, Thor would also make a great storm follow up.
Sunspot, Debris, and Giganto are definitely the flex cards in this deck. I played another version that used zero and red skull in the place of Debris and Giganto, and that was good too. Just don't play zero the turn before you want to Kang. And like I said above, I think the Kang/Drac package could work in a number of different variations.
Favored locations: Things with clutter like central park and savage land. Also, any locations that are typically undesirable to play in early (like shuffling rocks into your deck) are great because they leave a lane wide open for Storm.
So as far as advice piloting the deck goes:
Colleen is not an early game play. The reason Spider-Man is in this deck over prof x is so that you can play Colleen along with any other card in the deck (aside from the big cards) on turn 6 to empty your hand. Colleen makes a great turn 6, along with another card, or she can work as a back up plan with storm if you're also playing titania without initiative.
Titania is a turn 6 play, thrown into a storm lane with the extra last energy alongside a 3 drop, or played with Goblin on turn 3 or later to lock down a lane.
Goblin is either great with titania to lock down a lane, or it's good in the drac lane because drac is hard to beat if they can only play three cards.
Turn 5 spider-man is has some good kang synergy. Locking down a lane early with storm can also enable wins against Shuri, if you spider-man in the lane that they *don't* play their big card, so that they can't taskmaster (although they can aero so you should try to be winning the spider-man lane at the end of turn 5)
Juggernaut is for storm, or makes a great surprise turn 6 finisher. They won't expect juggernaut if they haven't seen storm.
Debris could be replaced, but I liked it to give titania/goblin some more consistency, and make it harder for them to contest dracula with rocks in their lane.