This deck is theory, substituting in cards like Ghost Spider, Jean Grey and Stegron for a King Pin control deck.
The idea of this deck is to control your opponents moves through manipulation and lockdown. An ideal set up would be:
T1 Sunspot, T2 Zabu, T3 Kingpin, T4 Jean Grey or Ghost Spider, T5 Spider-Man, T6 Stegron+Juggernaut
We play sunspot in the first location generally. Zabu with sunspot or second location if it's safe. Kingpin will be in a location we want to bait an opponents T4. Then on T4, jean grey will force the opponents T5 move, or Ghost spider can pull kingpin to a location your opponent doesn't have many cards, we just need to be sure there will be room for spiderman on T5. T6 then consists of using stegron and juggernaut to add their own power, while removing power from their lane to either move to a lane you wish to lose, or into the kingpin lane that's locked down by spiderman.
Alternate turn ideas get to use storm t3 or t4, and jean grey on t5 to force the opponents t6 play, t6 can be kingpin in one lane, and juggernaut in the lane jean grey forced the opponent to play into. Another t6 option could be ghost spider and juggernaut/stegron, this method would have her pulling your last played card, like jean grey or spiderman for added power to the lane you want juggernaut or stegron to help win and push.
You also have cards like Polaris as disruption who is good vs Galactus and for a variety of locations. And you also have she hulk for stability and flexibility. Daredevil is a good way to scout your opponents move so your t5 spiderman or jean grey can be most effective.