This deck aims to play one of its 5 drop bombs on turn 4 and win the game off the back of that. Other than that we're playing a suite of 6 drops that are reasonable to play with a sandman and/or electro on board and also a daredevil to increase the usefulness of professor X. Archetype isn't necessarily anything new but here's my build.
Edit: Leach for Leader was a pretty clean swap post patch. Definitely feels bad to only have two 5 drops but sandman was always the one we wanted anyways. Leader definitely is good in the deck after some preliminary testing.
Edit2: Taking the opportunity while shang chi isn't necessary to think about iron land. The deck pretty much only has 2 bad hits for him (sunspot and magneto and even then those will be good sometimes). It might end up not being good enough but I'd like to give it a shot if I get him. Has some super highrolls as well. I could play a howard and jubilee package to further support this but I feel like that's a little on the nose and I don't really have the space.