Not quite every but most of the viper combos. Viper + hood, viper + maw, viper + electro and viper + sentry. Then the rest of the deck is playing around those cards. Zero to mitigate maw and sentry, titania for the zero and to help fill locations, spider woman as an above rate 5 drop into a filled location, doom to play off of electro. Entirely possible some of the card selection is off, I'm unsure of vision and of goblin in that slot. I'm also unsure that electro is worth it in this list. Regardless I thought this was a neat idea that inherently gets to play some cards that are quite strong right now.
Edit: After testing I decided to not be so all in. Removed electro for carnage so I can deal with drawing both hood and sentry and removed vision for shang chi because that card wasn't so great here anyways.
Edit2: trying armor as my tech card of choice instead of shang chi so that sentry into viper becomes a much more reliable wincon. My testing since the last edit has revealed that the deck is sweet and definitely does the thing it wants to do at times but very often I felt like I might as well be playing the daredevil version of the deck to have that extra card that instantly wins a location. (although to be fair the existence of jeff makes professor x a lot riskier a lot more often)