Pool 2 Infinaut deck.
Ideal play pattern
Turn 1: Sunspot
Turn 2: Armor, protecting Sunspot
Turn 3: Ruin a location with Storm
Turn 4: Play Jessica on Storm
Turn 5: Do nothing. Sunspot will grow by 5
Turn 6: Infinaut
You don't always get the ideal play pattern, and if you don't draw Infinaut by turn 5, plan on playing America Chavez instead, or retreat. Mindscape is not a good land for this deck, but the bright side is that your opponent highly likely played something on turn 5, making Infinaut a dead card in the hand. Mindscape is an America Chavez play, so plan around it.
This deck falters if you don't have a location won by turn 4, because you usually aren't playing on turn 5 and Infinaut can only win one location by himself.
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