Testing deck shell for hit monkey
Deck suggestion cards are possible substitutes
Deck Key: Prioritize "beasting "back cards that are not 2 cost as Sera would drop those 2 costs down to 1 anyways
Playing Notes:
Bast will work on Mysterio where the original place you play it is goes from 4->3 power but the clones also go from 0->3 power
Wolfsbane and Hit Monkey do not need to be the last card played for them to get their full effect
Ex) Can play hit monkey as first card in the turn
Ex) Can play wolfsbane as 3rd card down and then have something else be placed as 4th card same turn
Retreat Conditions:
Instant retreat if leech or sandman is played
Likely have to retreat if one doesn't have sera for turn 5
Synergies/Reasons for running the non essential cards:
Antman - Easy to fill lanes, beast target
Iceman - Opponent Disruption, beast target
Star Lord - Good power for final turn play
Bishop- Helps avoid prio for final turn, scales well for final turn play, beast target
Wolfsbane - Scales well for final turn play, beast target
Forge - Beast Synergy, helps with not getting prio on final turn