Fun off-meta deck built around powerful on reveal effects, moving cards around, and lockjaw pulls
Key to this deck: Proper lane management to get optimal Lockjaw use
Need to be aware of how card placement affects future Lockjaw lanes,, Space Stone and Cloak can both be utilized to get additional Lockjaw pulls
Playing Notes:
- If possible, save dropping Space Stone and Cloak until Lockjaw is down
- Be aware of possibility of pulling Cosmo from Lockjaw if dropping two cards in Lockjaw lane
- If possible, use time stone on turn 2 to play Lockjaw out early on turn 3 or on turn 3 for Lockjaw plus a stone on turn 4
- If Daredevil has been played, save Cloak or Space Stone for turn 4 if possible to optimize movement effect next turn
- If Daredevil has been played, save Cosmo for turn 5 if possible unless you have Cloak or Space Stone at which point, you can play Cosmo turn 3 and see above bullet point
- Moving Cosmo into a lane through Cloak or Space Stone will only have effect of negating opponent's cards in that lane that same turn if you have priority
Retreat Conditions:
- Likely retreat if Sandman is played
- Likely retreat if Cosmo is first Lockjaw pull in a lane
Synergies/Reasons for running the non essential cards:
- Daredevil - Helps influence where to optimally place cards turn 5 like Aero, Helps figure out optimal movement if Space Stone or Cloak dropped the turn before
- Cloak - Helps get optimal usage out of Lockjaw pulls
- Cosmo - Daredevil synergy, Helps secure a lane after big Lockjaw pulls
- Jubilee - Odin Synergy, Lockjaw Synergy
- Shang Chi - Odin Synergy in case it is pulled early from Lockjaw, Daredevil synergy
- White Tiger - Odin Synergy, Helps access unplayable lanes
- Spider Woman - Odin Synergy
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