My first pool 3 card was Hela, and she can fit on any p2 discard deck with ease but I also got Agatha as my 3rd pool 3 card and was very happy. In the time I thought I could use Agatha to farm amplifiers for cards that I don't use much. Too bad Agatha gets all amplifiers for herself.
Overcame the frustration, Agatha is a powerful 14 attack card that Hela can summon for free on this discard deck.
This is one of the 4 decks that I used to get to infinite, this deck helped me between rank 90 and rank 95. It could really stay on rank 90 but not go over 95.
The key cards here are
Lady sif, that will discard Agatha
Jubilee to pull another strong card into the field
Any other discard cards
In this version I'm using Coleen wing but you can go without her and any other 2 cost card like Domino.