Can surprise a lot of people and bait 8 cubes out.
Hedges to be good against many different matchups.
Can do Wave on turn 5 into Doom + She-Hulk on turn 6, to juke explosive turn 6 decks. Wave is also good on getting Sera or Doom early, if there are no better lines. She-hulk is flexible and also good as a turn 4 play if no good turn 3 play. Doom is generally good to cheeze tricky locations.
Sentry into Viper is busted. Carnage is backup. If neither is drawn, plan to clog the last location first. Hood works with both Carnage and Viper. Viper is also good with Polaris and they together can clog and cheeze a location. Polaris is generally a good stat line and utility on it's own.
Zabu with Shang and Enchantress destroys any tall or ongoing decks.
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