This deck uses the lane lock cards to guide your opponents plays. The goal is to sacrifice one lane with a lockdown so your opponent feels confident that they outplayed you, win a second lane via lockdown, and secure the third lane on T6 with a surprise card. Here's the ideal turn-by-turn:
T1: Drop Nebula in the far-right location OR start stacking low costs into your T6 lane (preferably Ant-Man and Armor) OR begin beefing up Kitty.
T2: Continue beefing up Kitty or filling your T6 lane (up-to 3 cards MAX unless you suspect they have Green Goblin/Hobgoblin, in which case leave that lane at 2 cards).
T3: Finish prepping your T6 lane & beefing Kitty. Luke Cage is an ideal drop for this turn OR you can play Storm + Juggernaut (T4) if you don't have Professor X in-hand.
T4: Play Storm in a lane where you'll be ahead by very little OR Juggernaut the Flooding lane if you played Storm on T3.
T5: Play Professor X or Spiderman in the other lane (not your T6 lane).
Ideally, you'll either be losing this tile or losing in the Flooded tile. If you play Professor X WITHOUT Daredevil on the board and lose the lane, most people will snap right here which is why this deck wins so many 8 cube games. Sometimes you'll be winning in both which is usually just a retreat from the opponent.
T6: At this point, play Valkyrie in your T6 lane (if you got Ant-Man) OR Valkyrie + Kitty (if you got her to at least 4) OR if they're playing an Ongoing deck you can play Gamora + Kitty.
And that's the general idea. By throwing away locked down lanes you make people feel safe enough to snap, and since your T6 lane is so small until the last play, lots of people don't expect that you'll swoop in and bump all their numbers down. It pivots really well, too, so if they're playing something that's strong against this match-up (Ongoing, Discard, and Destroy depending on their opening hand) you can just transition into standard lockdown or lockdown + big numbers.
The deck takes some practice to learn, but once you do, it becomes super obvious to identify when you need to retreat from the game. It's also a super fun deck to pilot once you learn it.