Your typical self destroy deck, i really like to use magik in there.
She gives you that extra turn to make sure death costs 1 or even better 0, that way you can play death and knull and your deadpool at the end for instead of having to chose on turn 6 if you go with death or knull.
In a lot of my games before using magik my death would be at 2-3 cost at turn 6 and my deadpool would not be that big, the extra turn to kill deadpool and others a last time with deatlok or venom makes sure death gets a big discount, also gives you more chance to have a shang-chi target to stack up your knull.
As for changes you could possibly change magik with nimord or sabretooth if you don't like the magik play.
Another possible change could be squirrel girl instead of yondu, could make for more discounts on death.
I prefere Yondu since he gives you a lot of information and can give big power to your knull if you are lucky.
(quick update: when i made this list magik was a 5/3, right now she turned into a 3/2. This has proven to make this deck more flexible.)