Assess your hand and play for each win-con the deck has accordingly:
- T2: Multiple Man T3: *Destroy Card* T4: Phoenix Force T5 & 6: Profit
- T1 or 2: Human Torch T3: *Destroy Card* T4: Phoenix Force T5: *FULL SKIP* T6: Taskmaster/Arnim Zola
T1,2, and 3: Get as much power onto the board as possible T4: Shuri/Symbiote Spider-Man T5: Nimrod T6: *Destroy Card(s)*
The deck is extremely soft to Yondu, Gladiator, and overall any mill strategy. Mill effects like Yondu not only have a possibility of shaving off important combo pieces, but also adds to Phoenix Force's possible resurrect targets turning a sure-fire win into a coinflip on whether your combo does anything.
- Be cautious playing 1-cost cards. Determine whether your opponent is running a deck that plays Killmonger first and try to prevent it from hitting cards like Nico or Spider-Gwen so the pool of possible Phoenix Force revives are not diluted. In addition, after assessing and coming to the conclusion that their deck is likely to run Killmonger, (I think it goes without saying but amyways-) avoid taking Human Torch + Taskmaster/Arnim route.
- New Moon Knight is a potentially very scary card. 2 of the deck's important combo pieces (Shuri for Nimrod lines and Pheonix Force) can be easily sniped on turn 3 out of nowhere. This will likely result in an easy retreat on ladder but will pose as a very annoying threat in conquest.
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