The name of the game is getting as much value out of Shuri as possible. Nimrod is the best thing you can double because its immune to Shang Chi (kind of) and let's any destroy effect double into more than one lane. Venom is the best destroy cos it let's us keep that doubled nimrods power in the original location, as well as having a bunch of synergies with the specific other cards in this list.
_The Beef_
The things were interesting in doubling with Shuris power, other than Nimrod, are:
Vision, his ability to move gives you a chance to dodge Shang Chis, and he can move into an empty lane to combo with Zola
Red Skull, doubling his stats makes his downside trivial, and his downside is ignored when he's copied with task master.
Destroyer; he's not only a big card for shuri but he's also a Destroy effect for Nimrod.
_The Doubling_
Our ways to get extra shuri power into more than one lane are:
Taskmaster: the most straight forward way to copy a shuri'd card into another location
Zola: trickier to set up but with a much higher cycling. Particularly good with Vision, and when combined with Magic allows you copy a venom which has eaten a Shuri'd lane.
_Destroyer Protection_
We won't always have Nimrod when we draw Destroyer so we need some ways to make it not a dead card
Armor: the most straightforward way to save one lane from Destroyer, also works as disruption against opposing Destroy decks
Invisible Woman: Destroyer can't kill face down cards, so he might be able to kill IW but he can't get the stuff behind her. She also allows you to play taskmaster before you play the thing he copies.
_Consistency and Flex Slots_
Magic allows us not only an extra turn to draw a combo piece but also enables a bunch of zola plays, such as using Zola on a Venom which has eaten a Shuri lane, or Zola on Destroy when Nimrod is out. Magic also allows for the removal of awkward locations, as well as some disruption against storm decks.
This allows us one flex slot. Because already have a bunch of plans for turns 4, 5 and 6 the only tech option that are viable are ones that cost 3 or less. I've chosen killmonger, but alternatives include Echo, Rogue, Cosmo, and Shadow King. The later two do introduce a risk of hurting our own gameplan