This is a junk deck featuring Annihilus. The point of this deck is to fill up your opponent's location with trash such a rocks, Void, Green Goblin and Hood. Let's go over some of our core cards.
Annihilus- this is the main card of this deck, he allows us to throw all of our units to the opponent's side. Annihilus is great against deck such as Galactus which do use the Goblins which we do counter. Not to mention that if the opponent does try to counter us with cards such as Cosmo, Annihilus can be played on turn 5 so he can play around these counters. Another fun thing is that he can give our opponent the Ninja which is cool. He also counters High Evo since if their evolved cards such as Wasp, Cyclops or Thing discount our cards to 0 power or below we can throw them into our opponent's side.
Debrii- Debrii herself is not only amazing with Annihilus but also works really well with Viper and Hazmat since we can send weak rocks to our opponent.
Hazmat- she does help by lowering the power of some units thus helping Annihlus have an easier time sending them to our opponent. For example, she can lower the power of the squirrels from Central Park, or the Raptors from Savage Land to 0 thus making it so Annihilus can send them to our opponent's side.
Sentry- since our deck doesn't have a lot of high power units, Sentry does help not only as a 10 power units but he also gives us the Void which can either be destroyed by Carnage or transferred to our opponent's side with Annihilus/Viper.
Viper- her role is similar to Annihilus, we use her to give our opponent junk such as rocks, Void or Hood.
The biggest counter for this deck is destroy so you might want to add Armor to prevent your opponent from getting rid of the junk units we give them. Other than that I do think this deck can preform well on ladder and conquest, but you do need to know when to snap since your opponent will not stay against this deck.