This will be the deck I try with Man Thing. Man Thing bundled with the High Evo Afflict package could leave you opponents scarce for power.
The goal is to afflict as much power reduction as possible on turn 3, 4, and 5 so you are able to play Hulk and Abom for free. The key line would be
1. Nebula
2. MMM, Luke, or Scorpion
3. MMM, Luke or Scorpion
4. Cyclops
5. Man-Thing
6. Abomination + Hulk
If opponent has Luke use your Rogue. Also if opponent is holding Luke for T6, is dumping cards, or possibly had Aliot, you can Leech.
Hazmat is a little security if you didn’t draw Man Thing or Cyclops.
Lastly dont be too set on playing Abomination on 6 because playing him on turn 5 he will probably be under 4 cost and can trigger your Cyclops and Hulk.
I‘m having a hard time choosing between Scorpion or Lizard, I feel Scorpion will be better but we will have to see.
If you end up trying this, I hope it works!