Updated 18/01/2024
I just won a Gold Conquest with this deck.
Somehow I even won against a Shuri player!
You just need to know when to snap or retreat.
How to Play:
Ant-Man, Nebula and Squirrel Girl are just good stats for their cost. And of course, they can be buffed by Ka-Zar.
Nico Minoru can be very situational but very versatile and synergistic as well. She can allow you to get another copy of any of your good 1 cost cards or another Dazzler, Ka-Zar or even Blue Marvel. She could transform cards like Squirrel Girl into a Demon... Or at worst she just gives you good stats for her cost like every other of your 1 cost cards.
Dazzler is your power house in this deck. Usually you want to play her on the same location your opponent is developing their board to be able to contest all lanes.
Goose can be crucial in some matchups. You can force your opponents to only play their big cards in locations they dont want to.
Shanna should only be played on turn 6, and she should be the last card you play in order to avoid a Zero sabotaging your plans.
Cosmo can be your best choice for a tech card in any meta. And he can counter any type of Enchantress or Rogue play on your ongoing cards.
Caiera is a must have in any Zoo deck. She protects you from your biggest counter: Killmonger.
Baron Zemo usually gets you a one cost card that you can buff with Ka-Zar. And if you play him on the final turn alongside Shanna, he usually gets you more value.
Ka-Zar most of the time is a 4/+10 worth of stats. He defines this archetype. If you get location where you can't play 1 or 2 cost cards he should be played in there as well as...
Blue Marvel , 5/14 worth of stats, he rewards you for going wide. Again, an archetype defining card like Ka-Zar.
Howard the Duck can allow you to plan ahead of time to know where you should place your resources.
Iceman is the best disruption 1 cost card.
Maria Hill can allow you to get a 2 cost card to play on curve or to fill the curve when needed. Most of the cards she generates at 2 energy are usually good.
Nightcrawler can allow you to optimize your Shanna play on turn 6.
Mojo fits perfectly in this deck because it's very easy to fill your board. And he punishes players that are going wide like you. Works best when played on the same location as your Nebula.
Mister Fantastic is consistent 6 power across the board.
Debrii could replace Shanna if you dont have her. She can disrupt your opponent while she benefits cards like Ant-Man, Dazzler or Mojo. The rocks on your side can be buffed by Ka-Zar or Blue Marvel as well.
Made by Zarkot.