Update 01/03/2024 R.I.P Ravonna discounting Darkhawk.
A Ravonna deck that has consistent and reliable play paterns. (Most of the time at least.)
This deck does not do any of those weird Hobgoblin into Iron-Man → Mystique plays. lol
To play this, you just need to be REALLY aware of where you want to play your cards.
How to Play:
Korg and Rockslide buff your Darkhawk and disrupt your opponent's draws.
Ravonna can allow many interesting play patterns on curve. Here's one example:
Turn 4 White Tiger → Turn 5 Arnim Zola on White Tiger. (or the Tiger token.)
Turn 5 Darkhawk → Mystique (Not longer possible...) → Turn 6 Odin into Korg and Rockslide.
Iron Heart and Wolfsbane benefit the most when played on top of Wong.
Mystique can copy Ravonna for double energy cheat, Wong to duplicate your on reveal effects or Darkhawk.
Wong is one of the most important cards in this deck. He gives POWER to your low power cards!
White Tiger (Like in any on reveal deck) wants to be played on Wong followed by Odin on turn 6.
Arnim Zola's ability works well with Darkhawk or White Tiger.
Odin is what makes this deck good and synergistic. He can make Darkhawk stronger if played on Korg or Rockslide. Or you can rely on the usual: Iron Heart → Wong → White Tiger → Odin if you dont draw the cards that you need. (Just pray your opponent doesn't have the good boy.)
Made by Zarkot.