After the recent changes to Mobius M. Mobius and Spectrum, I've updated this list from my previous version here.
The Game Plan
With Man-Thing out I wanted to see if he could work as a value card like Darkhawk or Devil Dinosaur, so I combined him with the Spectrum Ongoing shell shown here! The toxic archetypes that feature him are great, but I feel having multiple ways to benefit from his ongoing effect makes him shine in this list.
The basic gameplan is to play out cards like Luke Cage and Nebula to set up an easy lane for Man-Thing, then fill out the board with other useful ongoing cards and finish off with Spectrum. Obviously there are a ton of other playlines, like Wong + Mystique, but the synergies here work really well either way!
The Decklist
- Ant Man is an easy 1-cost inclusion that benefits from Spectrum and fills out our curve.
- Nebula is both a great value card AND a tool to get our opponent to play the low cost cards that will be vulnerable to Man-Thing later on.
- Luke Cage is perfect for this kind of deck as it helps our Lizard and Man-Thing while getting the buff from our Spectrum.
- Armor is a great tech card to slot in against Destroy decks, benefits from Spectrum's buff, protects our 1-drops from Killmonger, and allows us to get into locations we usually couldn't.
- Lizard is great in this list, as he's buffed by Luke Cage and Spectrum, but also helps us gain priority for our Spectrum play.
- Mystique is a flexible and important card in a list like this. She can boost our Wong play, become a second Mr. Fantastic or Klaw, and gets buffed by Spectrum.
- Mister Fantastic is an easy to include card that allows us to reach inaccessible locations and helps us gain priority for our Spectrum play.
- Wong is here to make our Spectrum play especially worth it. It's rare we don't win if we get Wong > Mystique > Spectrum.
- Man-Thing is a huge boon to this list, but it's good to have backups in case we don't have Luke Cage to synergize with. Cards like Mr. Fantastic and Klaw can buff Man-Thing's lane while Spectrum buffs his stats directly. In terms of value, he can easily be worth 4/13, which is nuts.
- Klaw is a great value card that can easily win games on his own by reaching pesky Sanctum Sanctorums or stormed locations. He can also buff our Man-Thing lane and benefits from Spectrum.
- Sandman was recently buffed to a 5/4 and in this deck he serves to protect us from bounce and dump lists. Assuming we have Spectrum, it's a pretty stellar win condition.
- Spectrum is the best finisher for this deck. Combined with Wong, she can easily add 20 power onto the board come turn 6.
The Wrap-Up
Man-Thing really feels great with this package and doesn't rely on as many gimmicks to take advantage of his effect. Additionally, I find that the changes to Sandman and Spectrum really tie together this list in a stellar way.