The Game Plan
I've been trying to crack the code of Black Knight for a few weeks now, and I think I've settled on this list. Since the first iteration, several cards have changed that impacted the design. Now that America Chavez is a 2/3, the Ebony Blade can't be destroyed, and Shang-Chi destroys targets 10 and up, I landed on what you see here!
The idea here is to play one of two lines. The first line involves playing Black Knight down, hitting one of our big cards with Blade or Lady Sif, then playing the Ebony Blade and Ghost Rider before the end of the game. Sometimes you can even squeeze some tech in if Zabu is on the board, like throwing down an Enchantress and Ghost Rider on turn 6.
The second line you can play is the She-Hulk / Infinaut / Sunspot line, which is fairly straightforward and involves skipping to gain lots of power on Sunspot before throwing She-Hulk down on turn 4 and The Infinaut on turn 6. This is pretty predictable, but sometimes power is power and it's a solid plan B.
The Decklist
- Sunspot is really helpful in this list and pairs well with She-Hulk and The Infinaut if you don't get your combos.
- Black Knight is the main combo piece in this deck. If you don't get him by turn 4, consider retreating if you don't have Ghost Rider as a backup or a She-Hulk playline. As an additional bonus, since the Ebony Blade was buffed to negate destroy effects and power debuffs, you're relatively safe to play it before the last turn.
- Howard the Duck is really useful now that America Chavez doesn't thin our list. Learning when to retreat is really easy with Howard the Duck, since you can see exactly which cards we're drawing next. Saved me a ton of cubes and helps me plan my turns.
- Blade has been really awesome as a backup discard in the event we don't get Lady Sif. He also pairs surprisingly well with Howard the Duck, since we know what card will be in the rightmost side of our hand.
- Zabu helps make our list more flexible on turn 6. We can play any combination of the Ebony Blade, Ghost Rider, Shang-Chi, or Enchantress. This is incredibly powerful, but be careful of Rogue or Enchantress since they're popular right now.
- Lady Sif is the best discard option in this list and can get us our big boys, like Giganto or The Infinaut, to make an extremely strong Ebony Blade or Ghost Rider play.
- Ghost Rider is a compliment to the playlines in this list and one that I prefer over something like Task Master. We can get into locations like Altar of Death or Death's Domain, and can play around cards like Negasonic Teenage Warhead with no problem.
- Shang-Chi is still strong despite his nerf, and can win a ton of games right now because people aren't playing around him nearly as much as they used to.
- Enchantress is a bit of a surprise, but I've found that she's really powerful and a ton of opponents don't expect her in this list, which makes her pretty strong like Shang-Chi at stealing cubes.
- She-Hulk is a solid card with synergies around Sunspot and isn't a bad backup if we don't draw one of the Big boys.
- Giganto is one of the two big bois in this list, and he might not be as big as The Infinaut, but is really solid on his own provided you have the right circumstances. I like him because when you pull him with Ghost Rider, there's no catch to his 14 power unlike some of the other big options. He's just big and beautiful!
- The Infinaut is the biggest boy, and you definitely feel it! When you're about to discard The Infinaut in this list, it's almost always a good idea to snap, especially when you have Black Knight down. 20 power that can't be reduced or destroyed? Sign me up! Additionally, with Sunspot and She-Hulk in this list, skipping turn 5 isn't nearly as punishing as it could be, so it's still a solid option in some matchups.
The Wrap-Up
This has become my defacto list and I'm going to try to make infinite with it. Wish me luck, and have fun if you decide to pick it up!